Step by step Guide – CandiSign for Microsoft Teams
How to set up and start using CandiSign from your Microsoft Teams
- Have Office 365 Tennant with Microsoft Teams enabled
- Your account must be Microsoft Teams administrator or Global administrator
Steps to install CandiSign on Microsoft Teams
- Open Teams and click “Apps” on bottom left
- Type “CandiSign” on the search field
- Click and select “CandiSign” from the Apps results and click on “Add”
Then add it to your teams and accept the terms.
Note: After the acceptance of permissions if the application shows an error just refresh the application and try again.
Setup of the App completed successfully and you can find it at the apps on the left side of Microsoft Teams
After you successfully added our application to your Microsoft Teams, we have to create CandiSign account and configure the application.
- Navigate to the Settings page (1).
- You can see your Tenant Id (2) and Your Email (3) which will be used later in order to configure your account.
- Click on “Manage” button (4) in order to navigate to CandiSign Application portal (
- From here click on “Sign Up”
- Fill all the fields and click on “Register”
- After hitting the register button an email will be sent to the email you have filled in the above form with a link to complete your registration.
When your registration is completed and you log in to your account you will need to enable the two factor authentication method in order to procced. - Login to management portal and configure the Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
- Your account is ready. Please proceed with the Configure your CandiSign Subscription.
- Login to CandiSign management portal (
- Go to your profile settings
- On the Tenant Id field fill the tenant id that was on the settings tab of the Teams application
- On portal settings tab, at the “Accepted emails for API use” you should add the emails of your tenants users that are capable of using the Teams Application. When you set everything hit the “Save Changes” button.
In order to use the CandiSign Teams Application you have to order Credits. Please contact us at or +30 211 999 4800